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Lodges in the Bighorn Mountains of Wyoming
Coming to explore the Bighorns and don't want to drag all of your camping equipment? Have no fear! There are several lodges in the Bighorn Mountains where you can relax in a warm bed at night. You can enjoy a few of the creature comforts from home and not have to...

How to Identify a Grizzly Bear From a Black Bear
Bear safety is essential in the mountains of Wyoming. It is important to know how to identify a grizzly bear from a black bear. Bears can actually be pretty difficult to identify. Only half of black bears in this part of the country are actually black. Therefore, the...
Lodges in the Bighorn Mountains of Wyoming
Coming to explore the Bighorns and don't want to drag all of your camping equipment? Have no fear! There are several lodges in the Bighorn Mountains where you can relax in a warm bed at night. You can enjoy a few of the creature comforts from home and not have to...
Where to go Camping in the Bighorn Mountains
There are two options for camping in the Bighorn Mountains. Several campgrounds are available as well as dispersed camping in many areas of the forest. Many campgrounds have summer hosts and you can reserve many of these spots in advance. Smaller campsite numbers are...
How Many People Visit Yellowstone Park Each Year?
In recent years, as many as 4 million people visit Yellowstone each year. According to a press release from the National Parks Service, 3.8 million visitors passed through the gates of Yellowstone National Park in 2020. Due to COVID-19, the park was closed temporarily...
Is Yellowstone Park Really a Giant Super Volcano?
The Yellowstone super volcano is located in a caldera in the middle of Yellowstone National Park. It measures approximately 43 by 28 miles. A caldera is formed when a volcano ejects all of its magma in a violent eruption. This causes the empty magna chamber to...
Is Yellowstone National Park Dangerous?
Yellowstone Park is far from being dangerous. Traveling to Yellowstone in a vehicle is riskier than any animal or feature the park has to offer. The primary cause of death in Yellowstone is drowning. There are some hazards such as hot springs and animals that could...
Can You Go to Yellowstone National Park in the Winter?
Visitors can enjoy the winter season in Yellowstone runs from November - April. However, there are limited services and only two gates are open. You can get inside the park from the north and northeast gates in Montana. The two gates are connected by the only road...
How to Go Wolf Watching in Yellowstone Park
Best Time of Year to See Yellowstone Wolves Summer is actually the worst time of the year to see wolves. Because of their thick coats, they get warm easily, so they venture up to the higher elevations of the area where it is cooler. The best time of the year to be...
Where is Yellowstone National Park Located?
Yellowstone National Park is primarily in the northwest corner of Wyoming, in the Rocky Mountains of the Western United States. 96% of the park is in Wyoming, while small portions are in Idaho and Montana. It runs 63 miles long and 54 miles wide and is over 2.2...

Blogger, Explore Wyoming
I was born and raised in Wyoming and have traveled each corner enjoying the incredible sights and wildlife Wyoming has to offer.
Here, we provide you with reliable and thoughtful information straight from the ground in Wyoming to help you plan your vacation or venture your way through The Cowboy State.